First Comes Love

In the United States there has been a widespread movement to fight for marriage equality. Recently, the Supreme Court declined to hear appeals in which lower courts legalized marriage between people of the same gender. This is an crucial step which served as a final approval for five states that were debating the issue and is predicated to be key in similar movements in 6 other states.

The push for marriage equality has been an ongoing attempt to change the social norms and expectations of the heteronormative world that we live in. In 2013, there was an initiative on Facebook to change profile pictures to red versions of the human rights campaign logo. It was to show support for marriage equality in face of the United States Supreme Court upcoming decision on Prop 8. Many of LGBT movements have been to raise awareness of support such as the profile pictures, Straight but Not Narrow, and NOH8. One of the better known ones targeted towards LGBT youth has been the It Gets Better campaign.

These grassroots movements seem to be having their desired effect. In 1996, only 27% percent of Americans were found to support same-sex marriage according to the Gallup poll. This number is up to a 55% as of May 2014. This change in public opinion is now having a affect on the legislation. In the United States, there is now marriage equality in 32 states and in the District of Columbia.

More and more Americans are realizing that you cannot discriminate against a group of people and still call yourself the land of the free. Same-sex marriage is one small step to furthering the lgbt rights movement in the United States.

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