Where is the Justice?

Tonight the jury in Ferguson has decided that Darren Wilson will not be indicted on the murder of Michael Brown, an unarmed 18 year old teen. This shows how our justice system does not care to protect black lives. They did not find the officer who shot him repeatedly needing to taken to trial. In cases of accidental death in car deaths there is still a charge of manslaughter but apparently officers are above the law.

It has been 108 days since the killing of Michael Brown on August 8th and as protests have continued in Ferguson and around the world because the shooting of an unarmed black man by a white police officer is not an isolated incident. When 2 black men are killed by the police each week there is no way to deny the link of race to the case. Since Michael Brown was murder in the street, Darren Wilson has been on paid leave, given half a million dollars and been married while Michael will not have any of that. Wilson has been on paid leave for murder when Michael should be in his first year of college studying for his finals instead of being dead from a trigger happy cop.

Protests will continue with the announcement of the jury’s decision. KKK members and Neo-Nazis have gathered in support of Wilson and Holocaust survivors and civil rights activists have fought for justice for Michael Brown because our justice system should not just be for the white and its time for real equality.

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