War and the Unthinkable

The version of war that we grow up hearing in war is simple. One side against another, usually good versus evil. War is something waged against another nation’s military not its civilians. In actuality, war little resembles the black and white view of the world that was taught in my grade room schools. War is not neatly contained to battle fields so it does not affect civilians. In fact, attacking the groups that are often considered “off-limits” is one of the oldest tactics of war there is. Wartime rape is systematic and meant has emotional and physical abuse. Its prevalence is not affected at all by it being illegal in international law. The United Nations Security Council recognizes wartime rape as well as any sexual assault during war to be a war crime.

Rape is used in a variety of ways during war. Over the last century, it has been come to be viewed as a tactic of war rather than a spoil or outcome of men’s isolation from women. Women are seen as the care takersĀ and center of communities. They are targeted in an attempt to destroy that center. There is a particular focus on trying to impregnate the women to try and “corrupt” their bloodline with that of the attacker. This these cases it is an attempt of ethnic cleansing and falls under the category of genocide. Sometimes a soldier’s family and loved ones will be raped in front of them in attempts to break their spirit. Additionally, this issue cannot be dismissed as something happening to others and as not our issue. This is a worldwide issue.

No matter what reason an attacker has or side of a war a woman is on; rape is wrong. Governmental militaries are to blame as much as insurgents because it coming from all sides. Such a horrible violation of human rights has become a part of war to the point it is considered a tactic and not the horrendous crime it is. It is important for the global community to stand with the victims of war crimes and help them the best they can after what they have gone through. It is also important that these crimes are taken to the International Court for the war crimes they are.